Event Series Cruise In

Cruise In

Hideaway Pizza-Norman 1353 24th Ave NW, Norman, oklahoma

HIDEAWAY PIZZA, NORMAN: On the second Tuesday of each month, the OMC has a Cruise In where we meet at a local restaurant to enjoy good food, friends and talk Mustangs! . YOU DON'T HAVE TO BE A MEMBER TO JOIN [...]

Event Series FOW


Crest Foods 2550 Mt Williams Dr, Norman, OK, United States

FUN ON WHEELS, NORMAN:  This year the club will be going to different car shows to promote both the OMC and the Mustang.  Everyone loves a Mustang!  This month we are going to Coffee and Cars Norman.  This is a monthly show [...]


Chickasaw Bricktown Ball Park 2 S Mickey Mantle Drive, Oklahoma City, OK, United States

BRICKTOWN BALLPARK, OKLAHOMA CITY: How about an evening out at a ball game? Join us for a night at a Oklahoma City Comet Baseball game on Tuesday, June 17, section 110, right behind home plate. We have 20 reserved seats but [...]

Event Series Track Event-Autocross

Track Event-Autocross

Remington Park Remington Place, Oklahoma City, OK, United States

AUTOCROSS - OKLAHOMA CITY: Ever thought of pushing your car to the edge in a safe environment? Here’s your chance! The Oklahoma Mustang Club has an Autocross program and OMC members Doug and Charli Childers are our Autocross Directors. Below are [...]

Event Series Track Event-Autocross

Track Event-Autocross

Remington Park Remington Place, Oklahoma City, OK, United States

AUTOCROSS - OKLAHOMA CITY: Ever thought of pushing your car to the edge in a safe environment? Here’s your chance! The Oklahoma Mustang Club has an Autocross program and OMC members Doug and Charli Childers are our Autocross Directors. Below are [...]

Event Series BOD Meeting – ZOOM

BOD Meeting-ZOOM

ZOOM:  This month we will be holding our BOD meeting via Zoom.  This meeting Board members discuss current and upcoming events and issues.  These meetings are usually about 2 hours long.  All OMC members are encouraged to attend.  For more information [...]

Event Series General Membership Meeting

General Membership Meeting

Mustang Town Center 1201 N Mustang Road, Mustang, United States

MUSTANG TOWN CENTER-MUSTANG: The OMC's monthly meeting is held at the MUSTANG TOWN CENTER in the GREAT ROOM.   You can enter the GREAT ROOM from the west entrance, which is on the back side of the Town Center.  There is a dedicated entrance to [...]

Event Series After Meeting Meal

After Meeting Meal

Billy Sims 1001 E OK 152 , Mustang, OK, United States

BILLY SIMS BBQ-MUSTANG: Enjoy the company of your OMC Mustang family after the General Membership Meeting at a Mustang restaurant! We usually have 20 or so members enjoy a meal together. It's a great opportunity to welcome a new member and [...]