Pony Drive

Hallett Motor Racing Circuit 59901 E. 55 Rd, Jennings, OK 74038, OK, United States

HALLETT MOTOR RACING CIRCUIT VETERANS DAY EVENT, HALLETT CONTACT INFORMATION:  Questions? Contact the Pony Drive Coordinator Name:   __Randy Hnot_______________________Phone Number: _405-464-7351___________ MEET LOCATION AND TIME:  We will meet up at Cracker Barrel 4901 NE 122nd St. Edmond, Ok  Meet up time [...]

Pony Drive

Tom Careusm 13800 Santa Fe Crossings Drive, Edmond, OK, United States

TOM'S CAREUSM, EDMOND:  CONTACT INFORMATION: Questions? Contact the Pony Drive Coordinator Name: __Randy Hnot_______________________Phone Number: _405-464-7351___________ . MEET LOCATION AND TIME: We will meet up at Thunder Roadhouse Cafe 900 W Memorial Rd. Edmond, Ok Meet up time 9:25 and depart [...]

Pony Drive

Mabbe-Greerer 1900 West MacArthur St, Shawnee, OK, United States

MABEE-GERRER MUSEUM, SHAWNEE: CONTACT INFORMATION:  Questions? Contact the Pony Drive Coordinator Name:   _____Randy Hnot_____   Phone Number: _____405.464.7351_____ MEET UP LOCATION/TIME: Loves 235 NW 24th Newcastle Ok. Meet up time 9:00 Depart 9:30 DURING THE DRIVE: Keep your headlights on for safety [...]

Pony Drive

Stafford Air and Space Museum 3000 East Logan Drive, Weatherford, OK, United States

STAFFORD AIR AND SPACE MUSEUM, WEATHERFORD: CONTACT INFORMATION:  Questions? Contact the Pony Drive Coordinator Name:   Rob Chapman           Phone Number: 405-205-5717 MEET LOCATION AND TIME:  We will meet at On Cue at 7:30 am. We will leave On Cue at 8:00 am. [...]


Pony Drive

Route 66 Interpretive Center Museum 413 E 1st St, Chandler, OK 74834,, Chandler, oklahoma

ROUTE 66 INTERPRETIVE CENTER, CHANDLER: On April 19th the OMC will be celebrating National Mustang Day (April 17th) with a Pony Drive To the Route 66 Interpretive Center and Museum! With Route 66 partially closed for construction, we have planned a [...]


Pony Drive

Museum of Automobiles 1671 Petit Jean Mountain Rd,, Morrilton, Arkansas

MUSEUM OF AUTOMOBILES, MORRILTON, AR: . Join the OMC for the May 9th-11th Pony Drive to Museum of Automobiles in Morrilton, AR! This will be an overnight trip, so plan accordingly! Please read the information below for details. . Friday 9:00 [...]