Once again, we will be at the  Wyndam Garden Hotel located at 2101 S Meridian for our annual Christmas party.  There will be lots of give always as well as Santa for the kids.  Each member will pay a nominal fee and that will include your meal, drinks, door prizes, and slide show presentation. It’s an evening of fun and reflection.

As with the past two years, the President of the Mustang Club of America, Jeff Mays, will be attending our party.  Jeff is the owner of one of only 37 2015 Shelby GT350’s.  If you want to talk Mustangs, he’s your man!

You must register for the party by Sunday  NOVEMBER 25th, as we need to inform the hotel with the total number of guests.  We hope you can make it.  If you should have questions about the event, please contact our Event Coordinator and not the hotel.  Barbara Baird at omcevents244@gmail.com Click on the registration link below to get started!

There is a block of 10 rooms at a special $89 rate for the event. Ask for the Oklahoma Mustang Club block or the block code is 11296407OK when you call the Wyndam.

Use this link to register… remember!  The deadline is November 25th!  Click HERE!