The OMC participates and, at times, hosts mulitple car show events throughout the year. The following is a short list of the types of shows you can expect to find in our Events club list!
Coffee And Cars
These events are typically a couple hours long. No need to register or pay a fee to enter. Folks usually drive there to share in the joy of showing their car, truck, motorcycle or vehicle. There are no awards and it’s a come and go as you please type of show. The official Coffee & Cars OKC gathering is always on the first Saturday of every month and there are other spin-off groups that gather on other weekends.
Show And Shine
These are a bit more formal than the Coffee and Cars. Many of the times it put on by a club or organization to promote a business or company. Depending on the organization, registration may or may not be needed. Participants are encouraged to present their cars in more formal condition. Wash, wax, clean it out to display the car for a more professional appearance. There is typically a set duration for the show. Usually, there are no awards and once the vehicles are parked, they’re not allowed to leave.
Local Car Shows
Local car shows are typically 4-8 hours in length. Many are put on by clubs while a lot are fundraiser type shows. Registration is required as well as an entry fee. Entry may be in person, on-line or both. Depending on the show, vehicles are usually put into classes that the vehicle best represents. Vehicles need not be perfect to enter these shows. Participants should present their cars in more formal condition. Wash, wax, clean it out to display the car for a more professional appearance. There is typically a set duration for the show. Awards are based on either people judging the vehicles, or participants picking their favorites.
National Shows
National Mustang shows are hosted by a local Mustang Club and conducted by the Mustang Club of America (MCA). These shows are usually 3 days in length. To participate in these shows, you must be an MCA member and pre-register for the show. Entry fees are triple or more the cost of entering your local show. One of the main differences between the local and national shows, Division and Classes. Division placement will depend on how the car is used. Divisions such as Daily Driver, Occasionally Driven, and Modified are then broken down into classes based on the year of the car. These shows are held at venue’s all over the country. Vehicles entering this show should be as clean as possible as awards are usually presented based on originality and cleanliness. Awards are Gold, Silver and Bronze representing 1st, 2nd and 3rd. Multiple Gold, Silver and Bronze awards are given based on a point based judging programs.