The OKLAHOMA MUSTANG CLUB will be celebrating the 50th Anniversary of the Mustang on September 27th. The events will include a visitors from Australia, a 50th Anniversary Pony Drive and a 50th Anniversary Party. The party will include one time only, very special tshirts, a great meal, and an awesome slide show/video.
Check the EVENTS CALENDAR for more information about this event along with our Facebook page.
PONY DRIVE INFO – Our friends from Australia will be arriving in Oklahoma City on Friday, September 26th. We have a cruise planned for them on the 27th of September to Guthrie, Oklahoma, Lunch at the Blue Belle Saloon in Guthrie, witness a gun fight in the streets of Guthrie, drive back to Oklahoma City passing by the Oklahoma State Capitol to visit the Oklahoma City Memorial, see the Bronze Casting of the Oklahoma Land Run in Bricktown and a drive-thru the Oklahoma City Stockyards. We will be done by 3:30 pm. Plenty of time for the OMC 50th Party in Mustang. Hope you can join us.