If you missed it, we had our 1st Annual All Ford Car and Truck Show last month, May and we had a great turnout!! With over 100 cars on the show field there wasn’t room for many more. Next year, we’ll be sure to have much more room. So what’s so special about this show? Well, quite a few things. For one, there were 3 special awards given by the sponsor to several of the VERY special vehicles. Metro Ford management picked out 3 vehicles and presented them with the Sponsor’s Choice Awards. The Oklahoma Mustang Club president picked out his favorite and the club’s charity came out and picked out their favorite car. All in all, 5 very special awards. Next, we provided food for not only the show participants, but for all the visitors and employees. THEN, each participant went home with a tshirt. All were presented with very special trophies. All of this compliments of the management of Metro Ford of OKC. They had some very special cars both on the show field and in the show room. Congratulations to OMC members Frank and Lydia Frizzell on their purchase of a very rare Roush Mustang. It’s called a JACKHAMMER. We look forward to seeing it at our monthly membership meeting! Thank you to all that came out and participated, congratulations to all the winners, and a HUGE thank you to both Metro Ford of OKC management as well as all the OMC volunteers. We can’t do it without you!