Pony Drive
November 16, 2024 @ 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM
CONTACT INFORMATION: Questions? Contact the Pony Drive Coordinator
Name: __Randy Hnot_______________________Phone Number: _405-464-7351___________
MEET LOCATION AND TIME: We will meet up at Cracker Barrel 4901 NE 122nd St. Edmond, Ok Meet up time 8am and depart 8:30am. Lunch will be a picnic at Hallett.
- Keep your headlights on for safety and to let traffic know where our last car is.
- Keep the gap between cars no more than 3-4 car lengths
- Please, no racing or driving irresponsibly.
- If you have OMC magnets, please display on your car during the pony drive.
DIRECTIONS TO THE DESTINATION: Hallett Raceway, 59901 E 55th Rd, Jennings, OK 74038
- From Cracker Barrel turn left onto NE 122nd St. Once over the overpass turn right and merge onto I-35 N.
- On I-35 stay in the right lane and merge onto I-44 E toward Turnpike/Tulsa.
- Take exit 179 toward Stroud/OK-99/Drumright.
- Turn NORTH on Ok-99 toward Drumright.
- In 15 miles turn right onto OK-33 E/OK-99
- In 1.8 mile we will stop for a 15 minute PIT STOP at Casey’s.
- From Casey’s take OK-33 Truck Route.
- Turn left onto OK-99.
- Just before Hgwy 412 turn left onto E 550 Rd
- In .9 mile you’ve arrived at your destination!
Typically, members will return to the City, or their home town, as they complete their visit at the destination. As some members like to spend more or less time at the destination so we don’t usually Pony Drive home. However, several of you may want to cruise back as a group. Either way, here are some directions to get you back to the OKC area. Below is a map of the several routes back to the Oklahoma City area.
To print a copy of the directions, click on this link: