Pony Drive
March 20, 2021 @ 8:30 AM
CONTACT INFORMATION: Questions? Contact the Pony Drive Coordinator
Name: _____Randy Hnot_____ Phone Number: _____405.464.7351_____
MEET LOCATION AND TIME: Meet up location: Council’s Crossing Shopping Center, 8109 NW Exp, OKC. Meet up time: 8:30am with us departing at 9am. Our lunch place will be at T-Mac’s in Okeene. This is about a 2-hour drive to AMES.
- Keep your headlights on for safety and to let traffic know where our last car is.
- Keep the gap between cars no more than 5-6 car lengths
- Please no racing or driving irresponsibly.
- If you have OMC magnets, please display on your car during the pony drive.
DIRECTIONS TO THE DESTINATION: Hajek Motorsports Museum, E Cooperate Dr, Ames, OK
- Follow Route 3 to Route 81 in Orkarche. Route 3 merges with Route 81.
- Stay NORTH on Route 81 through Orkarche to Hennessey.
- 15 minute break in Hennessey at Sinclair Gas Station, 849 Main Street.
- Turn WEST out of gas station onto Route 51, W Jack Choate Ave to Route 132.
- Turn right, (NORTH) on Route 132, Drummond Ave.
- Travel NORTH on Drummond Ave to Ames Road, E0530 Road.
- Turn left (WEST), on Ames road.
- In Ames turn right (NORTH) Frisco Street.
- Travel NORTH on Frisco Street to E Corporate Drive. You’ve arrived the Museum!
Lunch will be at T-Mac’s in Okeene (16 Miles from Hajek to T-Mac’s)
- From museum, turn SOUTH on Frisco street back to Main Street
- Turn right (WEST) on Main Street (E0530 road)
- West on E0530 Road to N2680 Road. Turn left (SOUTH) on E0550 Road.
- Travel E0550 Road to Route 8.
- Turn left (SOUTH) on Route 8 to Okeene.
- Turn left (EAST) on Route 51, East Oklahoma Street.
- T-Mac’s Grill will be on the right (SOUTH) – 109 East Oklahoma
Typically, members will return to the City, or their home town, as they complete their visit at the destination. As some members like to spend more or less time at the destination so we don’t usually Pony Drive home. However, several of you may want to cruise back as a group. There are several routes back to the City. One is following Route 51 East to I35 South. Another is taking Route 8 South to SH270 to I40 East.
Check out this video of the museum: