Pony Drive
February 20, 2021 @ 8:30 AM - 5:00 PM
CONTACT INFORMATION: Questions? Contact the Pony Drive Coordinator, Name: Randy & Delores Hnot Phone Number: 405-464-7351
MEET LOCATION AND TIME: Corner of Hwy 92 and 152 W in Mustang, OK (empty gas station lot EAST across the street for 7- Eleven – Meet at 8:30am and depart at 9am.
LUNCH: Our lunch place will be at The Hub in Clinton. It’s right across the street from the museum. See maps for more route information.
- Keep your headlights on for safety and to let traffic know where our last car is.
- Keep the gap between cars no more than 3-4 car lengths
- Please, no racing or driving irresponsibly. TY
- If you have OMC magnets, please display them on your car during the pony drive.
DIRECTIONS TO THE DESTINATION: Oklahoma Route 66 Museum, 2229 W Gary Blvd, Clinton, OK 73601, (580) 323-7866
- Travel WEST on SH152 to Union City.
- In Union City, turn SOUTH (LEFT) on SH81/152.
- On SH152 travel WEST through Cogar and Binger.
- On the East side of New Cordell, turn NORTH (RIGHT) on CRIDER ROAD.
- Bear right (NORTH) on SH183.
- Follow SH183 into Clinton to I40. Turn WEST (LEFT) onto I40 West.
- Take the second exit, EXIT 65 onto Business 40/W Gary Blvd.
- The Museum will be on the WEST (LEFT) side of the road.
- However, we will park across the street at the Hub Diner and walk to the museum.
- You’ve arrived at the museum and our eating establishment!
- We will take an hour or so to go through the museum. We will plan to meet up at The Hub Diner at 12:30pm for lunch
DIRECTIONS TO THE HUB DINER: The Hub Diner is located at 2020 W Gary Blvd, Clinton, OK, (580) 331-5055, just across the street from the museum.
DIRECTIONS BACK TO OKC: Typically, members will return to the City, or their home town, as they complete their visit at the destination. As some members like to spend more or less time at the destination so we don’t usually Pony Drive home. However, several of you may want to cruise back as a group. Either way, the quickest way back to OKC is via I40.
Experience the Mother Road
For the ultimate Route 66 experience, visit the Oklahoma Route 66 Museum in Clinton. The museum offers visitors a personal journey through the history of the nation’s most revered highway. Encounter the iconic ideas, images, and myths of the Mother Road. Learn about the dreams and the labor needed to make the road a reality. Experience the Dust Bowl as thousands streamed along the road, away from drought and despair, and towards the “land of promise.” Listen to the sounds of the Big Band era, when the roar of the big trucks and the welcome home cries to returning soldiers dominated the road. Sit at the counter or a booth in the 1950s diner and feel the open road as America’s families vacationed along the length of Route 66. You just might overhear the family’s chatter as they eat their lunch. The museum also offers changing special exhibits focusing on the Route 66 experience.
Admission fees and gift shop proceeds aid in the daily operations and programs of the Oklahoma Route 66 Museum.
COVID-19 Safety Measures
To help prevent the spread of COVID-19, occupancy is limited to no more than thirty visitors in the museum at one time. Visitors will be admitted in the order they arrive. There are outdoor exhibits to view while waiting. Groups of more than eight are not being scheduled at this time. We ask that you practice social distancing by staying six feet away from staff and visitors who are not in your party.
OHS is requiring face masks in all public areas. Due to current COVID-19 conditions and Oklahoma State Department of Health guidelines, all visitors, staff, volunteers, contractors, and vendors are required to wear face masks in public areas of OHS facilities.