General Membership Meeting
February 28, 2021 @ 2:00 PM - 4:00 PM
MUSTANG TOWN CENTER-MUSTANG: The OMC’s monthly meeting is held at the MUSTANG TOWN CENTER in the GREAT ROOM. You can enter the GREAT ROOM from the west entrance, which is on the back side of the Town Center. There is a dedicated entrance to the GREAT ROOM. We usually have about 50 – 80 members and guests attend. We will also have OMC shirts and other OMC related things for sale from our Club Store at the meeting. We discuss club business and information about your Mustang. When you walk through the parking lot, you’ll swear you were at a car show with all the beautiful Mustangs parked outside. At the conclusion of the meeting, we go to a local Mustang restaurant for an After Meeting Meal. So come out and chat with your fellow Mustang’ers and find out what’s going on in the world of Mustangs! We will see you there!