November 16, 2024
Name: Allen King
Phone Number: 405-413-9501
DIRECTIONS TO THE DESTINATION: Hallett Raceway, 59901 E 55th Rd, Jennings, OK 74038
HERE’S A LINK TO THE EVENT: https://www.hallettracing.net/events/hmrc-veterans-celebration-day/
FROM THE FOLKS AT HALLETT: We are happy to announce a special event being planned to honor and celebrate our veterans: the HMRC Veterans Celebration Day! All veterans and guests wishing to support veterans are welcome: veterans attend for free (with proof of service), guests can attend for a nominal entrance fee, and children 10 and under are free. The event will feature:
*Free high speed ride alongs for veterans.
*Car show with specific classes and awards.
*Delicious food at HMRC’s own restaurant: the Finish Line Café.
*The best in local food trucks.
*Parade laps for all.
*Raffled rides with a championship winning professional race driver.
*Vendor booths supporting the veteran community.
For more information you can go to Hallett’s website’s event page: https://www.hallettracing.net/hmrc-veterans-celebration-day/
Feel free to share this post, invite a veteran you know, and encourage them to attend this thrilling new event! We look forward to seeing you at “Your Home Track:” Hallett Motor Racing Circuit!