MAPLE BROTHERS AUCTION, OKLAHOMA CITY:  The Oklahoma Mustang Club has helped many different auction companies in the past.  Each time we raise thousands of dollars for our charities.  This year, we’ll be raising money for ABLE, Able Bodies Learning to Excel.  So, how do we raise money?  Auction companies need help with things like traffic control, safety personnel, drivers for their cars and some folks to shuttle show attendees.  That’s where the Oklahoma Mustang Club comes in.  We provide labor for the auction and they pay us a stipend for helping.  That money goes directly to our charity.  It’s a great event with a win, win, win for everyone!  Maple Bothers gets the labor they need, the OMC gets to drive some really cool vehicles, and ABLE gets a sizeable donation.


There are also other BIG benefits for Oklahoma Mustang Club members!  Like a free $100 bidders pass!  And more!!!  So, if you’d like to be involved, attend, consign or bid, reach out to our coordinator of this event, Allen King at


Here’s a link to MAPLE BROTHERS.