Each year we have our annual elections for board members.  But did you know we also vote on an Appointee of the Year, Member of the Year, and Board Member of the Year.  This year’s elections, as it is each year, is during our November meeting.  There is one special award of all of these and it is the Member of the Year.  That’s special because the nominees come from other members.  It’s a chance for members to recognize other OMC members for all they do for our club.  Do you know a member that is always there helping other club members?  Take a minute, write up a paragraph explaining why you think they are worthy of the recognition and award and eMail it to Secretary@okmustangclub.com.  And PLEASE do it soon, before you forget.

The November meeting is also when we have our Thanksgiving dinner.  The club purchases all the meats, while members bring drinks and sides.  You can sign up for the dinner at the October General Membership Meeting.

We also have several vacant Board positions that will be up for elections too.  Our Vice President, Board Member and Treasurer positions will be elected this year.  If you’re interested, please attend our October meeting and have someone nominate you.  You must be present to accept, and you will also need to be a Mustang Club of America member.  If you are not, you will be give some time to get that taken care of.

Hope to see you at our next meeting!