It was quite a weekend for the Oklahoma Mustang Club with three different events/activities at one location!  First there was the ROAD RACE EVENT led by Arturo Cortez, our Road Race Coordinator.  He, and a half dozen or so of our members, met early (June 20th) to drive to Jennings Oklahoma and the Hallet Motor Racing Circuit.  Those members spent the day driving fast around the 10 turn, 1.8 mile track with speeds reaching over 100 mph.  Later in the morning the second event started at Pops in Arcadia.  The PONY DRIVE, led by Stephen Salmon, with 19 other OMC members, made the trek up old Route 66 to Stroud where they turned north on Route 99.  Mustang Racing Technology (MRT) owner Scott Hoag, also a contributing editor to the Mustang Club of America (MCA) Mustang Times magazine was there to greet the club as they came through the gate.  Shortly after their arrival, our Events Coordinator Derek Leech, started our third event, the club PICNIC.  Setting up a dozen tables, Derek and his family went to feeding our club members along with invited guests.  After everyone had lunch, members were offered the chance to drive on the track for 2 parade laps.  I think EVERYONE  jumped at the chance to take their Mustang on a the legendary track.  For those that stayed a little longer, OMC members were giving full speed track rides that afternoon!  All in all, with over 50 club members participating in  3 different events in on day, I think it was a success thanks to Arturo, Stephen and Derek!