It’s that time of year again, but it will be a little different in 2020.  Typically, we take our mom’s flowers, cards, maybe candy, but, what she really enjoys is that dinner out with the family.  Unfortunately, COVID-19 had changed our lives and particularly, the way we celebrate Mother’s Day.  This year we’ll do a Zoom or Facetime session to give mom our love.  A little different, but none-the-less, sharing time with mom.  It is that day we celebrate mom’s around the world for all they’ve done.  It’s not an easy job being a mom.  But they battle with us through those teenage years and show us the love and compassion as we grow older.  If you’re not able to spend time with your mom today, be sure to call them.  If they’ve passed, remember all those fond times your mom was there for you.  Happy Mother’s Day from your family at the Oklahoma Mustang Club!