Wow!!!  What a great turn out at our first meeting of 2014.  With 67 members and visitors, it had to be a record turnout for, at least, the last couple of years.  I thank you all for your patience with all the business we had to take care.  Our meetings don’t usually cover so much business stuff. But believe me, we won’t take that much time in the future!  The great news though was that the members agreed with all the board members’ recent decisions.  Thank you all for entrusting us with the future of your club.  So, what were those big decisions?  First, we have moved our monthly meeting location from Del City to the Mustang Town Center in Mustang.  Yeah!  The Oklahoma Mustang Club is now meeting in Mustang!  Second, we unveiled our new website, which you are now enjoying.  Thanks to our new Website Administrator Art Cortez.  Excellent job Art! We also talked about our new Club Participation Program (CPP) which will soon be unveiled to the membership once we nail down the criteria and rewards.  Brittney Eastwood is our manager of the CPP and is leading the team to get this going.  Our newsletter editor, Amber Applewhite, has done an excellent job with our club’s newsletter.  It looks great!  She’s looking for member of the month stories as well as other articles for our newsletter.  So, if you have stories, please send them to her.  You can find all our contact information on the website’s ABOUT US tab listed above.  We’re off to a SUPER SNAKE of a start in 2014!  We hope you can make it to our next meeting.  For all the club activities and meeting information, check out the EVENT tab above. It will even give you a map of where the event takes place.

Allen King, OMC President 2014